

Maps and Boxes is a one person woodworking shop that builds custom frames, mountain art, board game boxes and more. We use recycled wood for most of our art projects and hardwood for most of our furniture and boxes.

Maps and Boxes started as a hobby project, Alex wanted to create custom table top boxes that could hold small TVs or computer monitors to be used during Role Playing Game sessions. The woodworking bug bit him and he now spends hours in his small crawl space shop learning new woodworking techniques or hand crafting wood items.

Alex wants to fund his hobby through the sale of items he makes. The constraint of using wood working funds to help expand the shop motivates and inspires the woodwork.

Start of a workshop

Start of a workshop


Maps and Boxes started with an empty crawlspace. With some time, love, and tools it became a workshop.

The workshop today!

The workshop today!


Today, Maps and Boxes is a fully functional workshop. The new challenge for Maps and Boxes is to expand only using money from selling woodworking projects.

The next goal is $2500 to expand the electrical footprint in the shop. Everything in the crawl space is ran off of one circuit, a 100 AMP electrical panel will allow for more tools to run at the same time!